Occupational health (fitness to work) assessments

London City Healthcare provides an independent service to assist managers in helping employees to work. Our occupational health professionals focus on fitness for work, taking into account any disabilities.

The first step is usually to make sure that anyone joining your team is fit for the role they are being recruited for, so we’d always suggest a pre-employment assessment is a sensible risk management tool. If poor health or absence from work becomes a concern, we’re able to help quickly and easily.

We’re pleased to be able to provide appointments within 5 days of a request, as well as an initial phone conversation with the assessing doctor, to help understand the presenting situation and to help advise on the best questions to ask in a referral. We’ll take care of all necessary consent and administration steps for you, too.

  • Appointments within 5 days
  • Pre-assessment phone call
  • Guidance for referring managers

Fitness for work

Occupational health is an area of healthcare that specialises in the relationship between health and work, specifically the effects of work on health and the effects of ill health or disability on capacity to work. To support those employees who may be unfortunate enough to be ill, London City Healthcare can assess their “fitness to work”.

This means assessing how effectively a person can perform all the duties that the job involves and whether any reasonable adjustments to their role or working environment will help them to cope both mentally and physically with their current job.

Early intervention and specialist medical help offer the best prospect of a successful conclusion to a health problem at work. Most absent employees should be able to return to their previous duties. However, some may require adjustments to their roles or environment if they are to continue working successfully.

If there is an underlying medical condition or longer-term disability, this does not necessarily mean that the employee will be unfit for work. Sometimes adjustments at work are suggested (e.g. working reduced hours for a limited period) that may be necessary to demonstrate you are doing all you can to support your employee appropriately. Our business helps you to meet your legal requirements regarding disability and health at work.

Where necessary, we can also help identify if the nature of an employee’s work might be having a detrimental effect on their health, in which case advice can be provided to avoid any further deterioration.

Predicting how a health condition may develop or how much absence from work can be expected in the future can be incredibly difficult and inexact. If surgery is anticipated, it is usually possible to give an estimate of typical or likely absence duration.

Health can often be a complicated issue, and sometimes it can take more than one assessment to provide a clear answer. The content of the report provided following an assessment is also often directly linked with the questions asked at the start of the assessment process, which is why we provide guidance and support on the best questions to ask referring managers.

Dr Amun Kalia

Dr Amun Kalia

Dr. Kalia helps to run the Occupational Medicine provision for London City healthcare and is a company doctor for one of the largest multinational companies based in the UK.

Outstanding Occupational Health Services

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